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A web application framework, written in JavaScript and/or using a .JS library should make Development easier, more flexible and scalable. Choosing the right framework can often be a tricky task, so to help you work out what's what, we’ve taken a look at the benefits of using a .JS library or framework, how to choose the right one for your Development stack and potential resourcing challenges that you may face along the way.

Popular .JS Frameworks/Libraries & Key Features:


Powerful, stand alone framework with plenty of built in features:

  • Backed by Google
  • Extend the functionality of HTML attributes with directives
  • Dependency Injections
  • Two Way Data Binding
  • Manipulate data directly within the template using expressions

Use Angular.JS if: you want to take advantage of these features, you plan on doing lots of unit testing or you simply want a comprehensive client side solution.


Lightweight framework with a small memory footprint, comprising six components:

Model – used to Store Data

View – presents Data within the Model

Collections – group Models together like a JavaScript array

Events – bind events like User Clicks

Routers – set up the navigational structure

Sync – governs communication between Backbone.js and the back-end

Use Backbone.JS if: you have a simple one page application, your back end does most of the heavy lifting and/or speed is your main priority. You can still scale up the application using add-ons for features such as data bindings.


JavaScript library for building UIs with a focus on rendering performance:

  • Introduced and powered by Facebook
  • Server side rendering allows universal web apps
  • Possible to augment Angular & React
  • Good code re-use
  • Easy Interface Design & Learning API

Use React.JS if: you are looking to create a JS based iOS App, you are working with large data sets and/or require a sophisticated view layer.

Recruiting for .JS Developers in 2017

From a recruitment perspective, Backbone.JS tends to be the most readily available .JS skill set in the UK; however, hiring a good JavaScript Developer on a permanent basis, always presents a number of challenges. Clients will often look to be flexible on the required experience in order to bring a developer on board – However, not every FE dev is capable of or wants to learn a heavyweight framework such as Angular.

It is also an extremely fast paced environment – Angular 2, for instance, isn’t even written in JavaScript, although you don’t need to write TypeScript to develop Angular 2 Applications.

If your project roadmap for 2017 involves recruiting a JavaScript Developer (whether you are looking to bring in expert .JS Developers or you need to backfill positions, whilst your existing team are learning a framework/library) contractors may be able to provide you with an immediate solution.

If you're interested in sourcing or securing permanent or contract Development roles, please get in touch at or call 0203 397 4565 for more information. 

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